Axie Infinity Glossary
A list of terms and jargons related to Axie Infinity.
Axie Infinity Shards. The native tokens of the Axie Infinity Universe utilized for governance voting, staking, and in-game rewards or payment.
The governance token for the Ronin blockchain which enables users to pay for transactions.
Smooth Love Potion. The utility token of the game that is primarily used for breeding and crafting.
Adventure / uhd-ven-chr /
Game mode where trainers battle against non-player enemies.
Ancient Moonstone / ayn-chnt / / mun / / stown /
A material that increases the chance of crafting a Rune.
Aqua / aa·kwuh /
An Axie Class that is generally blue in appearance and is identifiable by Blue Cards/Abilities.
Arena / uh-ree-nuh /
Game mode where trainers battle against each other.
Attack / uh-tahk /
The action that can deal damage to a target Axie.
Axie / ak-si /
The main NFT asset used to battle in the game and earn rewards.
Axie Infinity / ak-si/ / ihn-fi-nih-tee /
A web3 game that utilizes NFTs called Axies to engage in PVE or PVP battles.
Axie Marketplace / ak-si / / maar-kuht-pleis /
The official marketplace of Axie Infinity where people can buy and sell Axies, Land, and other various items used in the game.
AXS Contract Address
A set of symbols that act as a public key for the AXS token. This is used to facilitate transactions on the blockchain. AXS' contract address is: 0xF5D669627376EBd411E34b98F19C868c8ABA5ADA
Banish / ba-nihsh /
A tag that removes the card from the trainer's deck until the end of battle.
Beast / beest /
An Axie Class that is generally brown in appearance and is identifiable by Brown Cards/Abilities.
Bird / burd /
An Axie Class that is generally pink in appearance and is identifiable by Pink Cards/Abilities.
Bleed / bleed /
A debuff that causes an Axie to lose 15 HP each time it uses a card.
Body Parts /baa-dee/ /paarts/
Parts of an Axie that determine the cards it can use in battle.
Bubble / buh-bl /
A buff that deals block 4 DMG per stack against non-multi hit attacks and block 2 DMG per stack against multihit attacks. This turns into a Bubble Bomb upon reaching 3 stacks (maximum).
Bubble Bomb / baam /
Three stacks of Bubble that deals 20 DMG to all enemy Axies.
Buff / baf /
Status effects given to an Axie and grants them a beneficial boost.
Buffs / buhfs /
A positive effect from Ability Cards applied on a trainer's Axies or their opponent's.
Bug / bəɡ /
An Axie Class that is generally red in appearance and easily is identifiable by Red Cards/Abilities.
Charms / chaarmz /
Power-ups that can be attached to a card to enchance its effect.
Class / klas /
The distinct categories/types that differentiates an Axie's appearance. This also determines the set of Cards and skills an Axie can use.
Cleanse / klens /
A card effect that removes debuffs from certain Axie.
Cleanser / klen-zr /
A buff that negates a debuff applied on the target per stack.
Collectibles /kuh·lek·tuh·blz/
State of Charms that are Retired.
Common / kaa·muhn /
The lowest rarity and the easiest runes and/or charms to craft. This is represented by a grey triangle shape.
Crafting / kraf-tiihng /
A feature that allows materials to be made into Runes, Charms, and other items.
Crafting Level / kraf-tiihng / /leh-vl/
Determines the number of crafting recipes that a player can access. As the level increases, more crafting recipes become accessible.
Critical / kri-tih-kl /
Attack that deals amplified damage.
Curse / kurs /
An effect that makes the opponent draw Cursed Cards.
Cursed Card / kərsəd / / kärd /
Cards affected by the Curse, making them unusable in a turn.
Damage Boost / da-muhj /
A buff that increases an Axie's Attack DMG by 1 per stack.
Dawn / daan /
An Axie Class that is generally pale cyan in appearance and is identifiable by Indigo Cards/Abilities
Death Mark / deth-maark /
A debuff that causes an Axie to take 13 DMG per Energy spent each time the opponent plays an Attack Card.
Debuff / di-buhfs /
A negative effect from Ability Cards applied on a trainer's Axies or their opponent's.
Disarmed / duh-saarmd /
A debuff that prohibits an Axie from using any card.
Discard Pile / dis-kard / / payl /
This is where drawn cards are moved once a turn finishes and until the draw pile is depleted.
Disenchantment / di-suhn-chant-muhnt /
A feature that allows runes and charms to be converted back to crafting materials
Dispel / di-spel /
A card effect that removes buffs from certain Axie.
DMG / damij /
Attack Damage. Stat that determines the damage an Axie will deal and/or receive.
Doubt / dowt /
A debuff that prohibits an Axie from being healed.
Dusk / duhsk /
An Axie Class that is generally cyan in appearance and easily identifiable by Cyan Cards/Abilities.
ESports / ee-spawrts /
An organized event where teams play the game against one another at a much larger scale.
Epic / eh·puhk /
A rarity level higher than rare. This is represented by a blue pentagon shape.
Ethereal / i-ˈthir-ē-əl /
A special word that means a trainer should banish a card to remove it from the deck until the end of the battle.
Fear / feer /
A debuff that shuffles a Confused into the opponent's draw pile whenever the target Axie uses an Attack card.
Feather / feh-thr /
A buff that adds 3 Attack DMG heal 1 HP per stack. This can be stacked until 10.
Foraging / faw-ri-juhng /
A feature that allows a trainer to automatically accumulate resources over time in adventure.
Fragile / fra-jl /
A debuff that decreases the target Axie's Shield from cards by 20%.
Friend / frend /
A function that allows trainers to instantly connect with other trainers.
Fury / fyur-ee /
A buff that adds 1 Energy when it transforms and deals 75% more damage. This effect lasts for 1 turn.
Heal Block / heel-blak/
A debuff that decreases 50% of the HP from Healing.
Healing Boost / hee-lihng / / bo͞ost /
A buff that increases healing card effects to this unit by 1 HP per stack.
Hex / heks /
A debuff that shuffles a Confused into the opponent's draw pile whenever the target Axie uses an non-attack card..
Hit Points. Stat that determines the health and the life of an Axie.
Initial / i-ˈni-shəl /
Cards used in the first turn.
Innate / ih-nayt /
The cards played at the start of the battle to trigger their effect.
Innate / i-ˈnāt /
Cards played at the start of the battle to trigger it's effect.
Inventory / in-vuhn-taw-ree /
The list of items a trainer has collected.
Leaderboard / lee-dr-bord /
The list of trainers in terms of their rank in the game.
Leaf / leef /
A buff that regenerates an Axie's 4 HP at the end of a turn. This can be stacked until 5.
Mech / mek /
An Axie Class that is generally gray in appearance and is identifiable by Gray Cards/Abilities.
Meditate / meh-duh-tayt /
A buff that causes an Axie to meditate for 2 turns. If the Axie is attacked while Meditating, it awakes and gains 3 Rage. If not, this cleanses 1 debuff and gives 1 Energy after the effect ends.
Meta / meh-tah /
A strategy considered to be the optimal way to win.
Moon dust / mun / / duhst /
A material that decreases the chance of getting a Common Rune/Charm and increases the rate of getting a higher quaity item when crafting.
Moon Dust Epic / mün-ˌdəst / / eh·puhk /
A special item used in crafting to increase the probability of getting an Epic rune or charm.
Moon Dust Mystic / mün-ˌdəst / / mi·stuhk /
A special item used in crafting to increase the probability of getting a Mystic rune or charm.
Moon Dust Rare / mün-ˌdəst / / rehr /
A special item used in crafting to increase the probability of getting a Rare rune or charm.
Moonshard / mun / / shaard /
A primary material used for crafting.
Mystic / mi·stuhk /
The highest rarity of runes and/or charms. This is represented by a purple hexagon shape.
Neutral / noo-truhl /
A positive or negative effect or can be both from playing Ability Cards. This can be applied only to axie who uses the card has taunt effect
NFT / en-efh-ti /
Runes and charms that are specific to each class and are stronger in application.
Non-NFT / nan-en-efh-ti /
Runes that will always be Neutral and weaker in application.
Non-seasonal / nan / / see·zuh·nuhl /
Runes or charms available even during off-season. These do not retire but are weaker than seasonal ones.
Off-season / off / / see-zn /
A period where players compete without any rewards from the leaderboards.
Plant / plɑːnt /
An Axie Class that is generally green in appearance and is identifiable by Green Cards/Abilities.
Poison / poy·zn /
A debuff that causes the target Axie to lose 3 HP per stack at the start of each turn. This can be stacked until 30 and stacks are reduced by 1.
Positioning / puh-zi-shuh-nihng /
The desired arrangement of Axies as per the trainer.
Potential Points / puh-ten-shl/ /poynts /
Points that can be used to equip a charm.
Power / pau-ur /
The action that enhances an Axie's abilities in the next rounds.
Practice / prak-tuhs /
A game mode that allows trainers to play with each other without gaining or losing anything.
Purity / pyur-uh-tee /
Describes the number of body parts that match the Axie's class.
Rage / rayj /
A buff that increases DMG by 2 per stack. This transforms into a Fury upon reaching 10 stacks (maximum).
Ranked / rankt /
A form of arena matchmaking that organizes battles between two players within a bracket. This tests a player's mastery of the game and the winner moves up the bracket until they reach the top of the standings.
Rare / rehr /
A rarity level higher than common. This is represented by a green diamond shape.
Rarity / reh-ruh-tee /
A ladder of values in Runes and Charms divided in four categories: Common, Rare, Epic, Mystic. The effects of the items increase with its quality.
Reptile / rep·tile /
An Axie Class that is generally violet in appearance and identifiable by violet Cards/Abilities.
Retain / ri-ˈtān /
A tag that allows a card to remain on the trainer's hand until the end of the turn.
Retain / rih-tayn /
An effect that prevents the card from being discarded at the end of a turn.
Retired / ruh·tai·urd /
Runes or charms that are deemed void after their season. Therefore, these can no longer be used in the next seasons.
Revenge / ri-ˈvenj /
When a card drawn belongs to an Axie that's been defeated and therefore cannot be used, this is transformed into a Revenge Card. This has a corresponding value and provides the same function as the original skill (Attack, Shield, or Heal).
Ronin Blockchain / row-nihn / / blak-chayn /
The chain that houses all the gaming operations of Axie Infinity.
Ronin Spirit / row-nuhn / / spee-ruht /
A buff that grants extra Moonshards to the user when their team wins a ranked match.
Ronin Wallet / row-nihn / / waa-.luht /
A crypto wallet that operates in the Ronin network. This allows people to trade cryptocurrencies such as Axie Infinity Shard ($AXS), USDC, Wrapped ETH (WETH), and Smooth Love Potion (SLP).
Runes / roonz /
Power-ups that can be attached to an Axie to provide powerful passive effects.
Scrim / skrim /
Competitive practice against a friend.
Scry /ˈskrī /
Cards that allow a trainer to discard any cards in their hand.
Season / see-zn /
A period where trainers compete for the top ranks in the leaderboards and to achieve their corresponding rewards.
Seasonal / see·zuh·nuhl /
Runes or charms available during a specific season. These retire once the season ends.
Secret / sē-krət /
A tag that adds an effect that manifests in the next turns.
Sequential Turns / suh-kwen-shl / / turnz /
A game feature that allows the trainers to exchange moves in a turn-based order.
Shield Boost / sheeld /
A buff that gives an Axie a Shield gained from cards increased by 1 per stack.
Silence / sai·luhns /
A debuff that prohibits an Axie to use non-Attack cards.
Skill / skil /
A feature that adds bonus damage to combo attacks.
Sky Mavis / skie / / may-vuhs /
The developer of Axie Infinity, largely based in Vietnam and in Singapore. Their products include the marketplace, Mavis Hub Ronin wallet, Katana and Bridge.
Sleep / sleep /
A debuff that prohibits an Axie from using any card. However, this effect is removed when the Axie is attacked.
Special words / speh-shl / / wurdz /
Words, phrases and common language within the game. This usually refers to a specific function and would not mean the same if used outside or within another game.
Stamina / sta-muh-nuh /
A resource consumed each time players engage in combat in the Arena.
Starter Axies / staar-tr / / ak-si /
Free non-NFT Axies that can be used to access the different features of the game.
Status Effects / sta·tuhs / / uh·fekts /
A positive (Buffs) or negative (Debuffs) effect applied on a trainer's Axies or their opponent's brought by Ability Cards. As of writing, the game has 27 status effects (12 Buffs, 14 Debuffs, and 1 Neutral).
Stealth / stelth /
When this buff is applied to an Axie, it cannot be targeted directly. However, this effect is removed once the Axie uses a card.
Stunned / stuhnd /
A debuff that prohibits an Axie from performing any action, which means any card used by the Axie will miss.
Summon Cards / suh·muhn / / kaardz /
A spawned unit that can assist a player in battle.
Tags / tagz /
A feature used to distinguish the behavior of a specific Axie's cards during the battle when used.
Taunt / taant /
A neutral buff that causes the target axie to always be targeted by the enemy's attack abilities.
Tournament / tur-nuh-muhnt /
A competition among different teams within a fixed schedule.
Trainers / tray-nrz /
A term used to address Axie Infinity players.
Unplayable /ˌən-ˈplā-ə-bəl/
The status of a card when it can't be used in a turn. This gives a disadvantage for the trainer who draws it as the card takes up a slot for playable cards.
User Level / yoo-zr / / leh-vl /
Determines the number of game features that a player can access. As the level increases, more game features become accessible.
Vulnerable / vuhl-nr-uh-bl /
A debuff that causes the target Axie to receive 20% more attack damage.
Weak / week /
A debuff that causes the target Axie to deal 20% less attack damage.