How to make a Binance Account in 5 steps (Mobile)
Crypto exchanges, such as Binance, allow you to convert your cryptocurrency into cash. Want to convert your cryptocurrency into cash. Here is a step-by-step guide to help you create your own Binance account on your mobile device.
Topics to read before diving into this course:
By the end of the course, you will be able to answer the following question:
How do I make a Binance account using my mobile phone?
Having an account in a cryptocurrency exchange is a minimum requirement in the world of web3. It is easy to create an account, navigate the space, and is convenient to use in exchanging assets to different crypto tokens. In order to register, you will need an email address and a phone number.
To register in Binance, do the following steps:
Download the Binance app.
Select your location.
Create your account.
Verify your email address.
Verify your phone number.
If you are a PC user, you may also create a Binance account on your browser.
Step 1 - Download the Binance app#Copy URL to this article section
First, you need to download the Binance app on your phone from Google Play Store or App Store.

Downloading Binance in your mobile device
Step 2 - Select your location#Copy URL to this article section
Next, you will be asked about where you live. Select your location, and click “Confirm.”

Selecting your location in Binance
Step 3 - Create your account#Copy URL to this article section
When creating your account, you can choose between a personal account (for yourself) or an entity account (for business). For this tutorial, we will click on “Create Personal Account” to create your own Binance.

Creating personal account
Enter your email address and your desired password. Take note that a strong password has a minimum of eight (8) characters with at least one (1) upper case letter, one (1) number, and one (1) special character.
You may leave the 2 checkboxes unmarked if you don't want to receive and share your data with Binance.
Click “Next” once you are done.

Entering your account details
Binance wants to make sure that they are dealing with real people and not robots. A security verification will appear once you have input your email and password. You will be asked to slide the puzzle piece to complete this step.

Completing the puzzle for security verification
Step 4 - Verify your email address#Copy URL to this article section
An Email Verification Code will be immediately sent to your email, which will only be valid for 30 minutes. Enter the code into the field, and click “Submit.”
If you do not receive the code, you may request for another one by clicking “Resend code.”

Verifying your email address
Step 5 - Verify your phone number#Copy URL to this article section
Once you succeed in verifying your email address, enter your phone number, and click “Next.”

Entering your phone number
Another verification code will be sent to you via SMS. Enter the code, and click “Submit.” You may also request for another code if you failed to receive one by clicking “Resend code.”

Entering your phone verification
Your account will be created once you have verified your phone number.
Congratulations! You now have a Binance account! However, you still need to verify your account in order to start converting your crypto assets into cash. Here is a simple guide to help you verify your Binance account.