How to install Axie Infinity v.2 (Mobile)
Learn how to install Axie Infinity on your mobile device. This tutorial is only for installation of Axie Infinity v.2. As of writing, the Alpha version of Axie Infinity: Origin is only playable via PC.
Topics to read before diving into this lesson:
At the end of the lesson, you will learn:
How to install the Axie Infinity app on your mobile device
For PC users, you may follow this guide for installation: How to install Axie Infinity (PC)
To download the game on your mobile device, follow the steps below:
Step 1 – Go to the Sky Mavis website#Copy URL to this article section
To install Axie Infinity on your mobile device, head over to the Sky Mavis official website. Click the “Get Started” button located on the bottom most-center part.

Heading over to the official Sky Mavis Website

Clicking the Get Started button
Note: Always make sure that you are on the right website! Be cautious of phishing websites, and always guarantee that you are in the right domain or website.
Step 2 – Download the Axie Infinity app#Copy URL to this article section
On your screen, you will see the numbers 1 - 4. Click “4”, and you will be directed to the Download Axie Infinity & Play part of the website. On the bottom-center of your screen, click “Android (APK)” for you to be able to download it on your mobile device.

Downloading Axie Infinity from its website

Installing Axie Infinity on your mobile device by clicking the Android (APK) button
After a few seconds, your file will start downloading. It will appear on the top part of your screen as confirmation. Click the “Open” button, and a prompt will flash on your screen telling you that the file might be harmful. Click "Download anyway".

Opening the downloaded Axie Infinity file

Clicking the Download Anyway button to complete the process
Step 3 – Install the application#Copy URL to this article section
A message will pop up asking if you want to continue installing the game. Click the “Install” button to proceed. Wait for a few seconds to finish installing.

Installing Axie Infinity Application

Loading Axie Infinity Application Installation

Opening the Axie Infinity application after installation
Great! Now you are done installing the game.
Note: Open the application on your phone to check if it is working properly. If not, uninstall the game, and redo the installation.

Axie Infinity Log In — Scan QR Code
Congratulations! After following all these steps, you have successfully installed Axie Infinity on your mobile device. Now, you can start logging into the game!