Planet Mojo Guide: How to Play Mojo Melee for New Players
4 - 5 minutes
This Planet Mojo guide covers the gameplay in Mojo Melee, guides you how to build teams, and explores both of its game modes in depth. We’ll go over their distinctions and what you’ll need to succeed.
If you haven’t played the game yet, you might want to check out our Planet Mojo guide on Getting Started to walk you through signing up and setting up your wallet and account, and our Beginner's Guide To Mojos, Champions, and SpellStones before you read about Mojo Melee gameplay.
Game Mechanics#Copy URL to this article section
Let’s talk about how to set up your teams, what happens in a match, and what you need to do in the game.
Before you start playing, you need to build at least 1 team. You can build up to three different teams depending on your strategy. Each team should have 1 Mojo, 4 Champions, and 2 SpellStones. You have to pick a team to use before you start a match.
Units: Mojos, Champions, and SpellStones
Each match consists of up to 5 rounds depending on the game mode. Each round has 2 phases: Preparation Phase and Battle Phase. You are given a trophy for every round that you win. The first player to get 5 trophies wins the match.
Choosing the Team before the Match
Preparation Phase#Copy URL to this article section
This phase lasts for 30 seconds. For every round, you are given 10 Gold. Whatever Gold you were not able to spend on the previous round is carried over to the next round.
You will be shown an 8x4 grid that is on your side of the arena. This is where you will strategically place your units.
At the bottom of the game screen, you will see the Shop and how much Gold you have. You can either:
Buy units - Gold will be deducted from your balance after you buy a unit (i.e. after you place the unit in your arena). If you’re not satisfied with the available units at the store, you can reroll for 1 Gold.
Sell units - You can drag a unit into the Sell box beside the Shop to sell it and get your Gold back. You can only do this with Champions and SpellStones that aren't already on Mojos. If you sell a Champion that has a SpellStone attached to it, you will get refunded for both of them at the same time.
Upgrade units - You can buy the same type of unit that is already in your arena. However, the game will not allow two units of the same type on the battlefield. Instead, the existing unit will be automatically upgraded. You can upgrade units until level 3.
Battle Phase#Copy URL to this article section
This phase lasts for a maximum of 60 seconds. In this phase, the player merely watches what happens to the units that are battling. The HP, Armor, and Energy of each unit is displayed over their characters. The units with green-colored HP bars are yours while the units with red-colored HP bars are your opponent’s.
The round ends when all of the opponent’s units have been defeated, or when the 60-second time limit is up. If there is no winner yet after 60 seconds, the game will go to Sudden Death – every unit on the board loses health in successive flashes until a victor emerges.
You can check out our Planet Mojo guide on Mojos, Champions, and SpellStones to learn more about each unit.
Game Modes#Copy URL to this article section
There are two game modes: Duel and Brawl. The core mechanics remain the same for both, but the amount of matches and the number of participants differ.
Game Modes
Duel Mode#Copy URL to this article section
In Duel mode, a player fights a single opponent in a best-of-five series of rounds. After every round, one trophy is awarded to the winner. The first to earn three (3) trophies wins the match.
To queue for this mode, click the Duel button and then press Play. Upon getting matched, you will be able to see which Mojo your opponent is using and give you a few seconds to switch teams if you find it necessary.
Queueing in Duel Mode
Melee (Brawl) Mode#Copy URL to this article section
Brawl is the multiplayer mode of the game. Players compete in one-round duels against numerous opponents rather than best-of-five against a single opponent.
Playing this mode over the other can be more thrilling because you'll be up against various team combinations. To succeed in this, you must develop and pilot a team that can foresee a larger variety of tactics.
Before clicking Play, choose Melee. You will be seated next to seven other gamers in the queue. There is a maximum three-minute waiting period to get everyone seated, and any open seats will automatically be filled by bots.
Queueing in Brawl Mode
The Brawl mode takes after the “Group Stage + Playoffs” structure, where players are split into groups and the top two players on each move into the semifinals. The winners of the semifinals compete for the championship, while the losers play for third place.
Melee (Brawl) Mode Brackets
Victory in the Melee/Brawl mode
Now, you are ready to get those trophies and climb the leaderboards! Check out our other Planet Mojo guides on Getting Started (signing up and setting up your game account), and Beginner's Guide to Mojos, Champions, and SpellStones (stats and special abilities).
To learn more about this game, here are the official links: Official website Whitepaper Discord Twitter YouTube Instagram Twitch Telegram