Axie Infinity: Origin – The Cards
6 - 7 minutes
An Axie’s Battle skills lie on its Cards. This lesson covers the parts of a Card, the different types of Cards and their effects.
Topics to read before diving into this course:
At the end of the lesson, you will be able to learn the following:
What are the parts of a Card?
What are the different Card types?
What are the different Card effects?
What are the parts of a Card?#Copy URL to this article section
When playing any card game, it is important to know how to read the different parts of a card. Axie Infinity - Origin Cards have 7 parts as shown below:

The parts of an Axie Card
Energy Cost#Copy URL to this article section
The Energy cost is found on the upper left hand corner of the Card, in a blue circle. This is the Energy that is required to play a Card. As of writing, the costs indicated in this part are 0, 1, 2, and X. An X cost means that playing that Card will use up all your remaining energy. For each turn, you only have a limited number of Energy that you can consume.
Card Stats#Copy URL to this article section
Card stats are shown next to the energy cost. Depending on what the Card does, the Card stats background may be red, blue, or green. Red Card stats signify damage, Blue Card stats give shielding, while Green Cards indicate healing.
Card Name#Copy URL to this article section
Card name shows the name of the Axie Card.
Body Part Icon#Copy URL to this article section
The body part icon shows which body part of the Axie a particular card is associated with. There are six body part icons.

6 body parts of an Axie
Description#Copy URL to this article section
The description of a Card tells us exactly what the Card does. This may include Yellow words, also called “Special Words” that reveal more information regarding that mechanic. You can hover your mouse over these Yellow words to read about their effects.
Tags#Copy URL to this article section
Tags give us an idea as to what the nature of a particular Card is.

Different Tags in Axie Cards
Class Icon#Copy URL to this article section
The class icon indicates the Axie class associated with that Card. There are currently 9 classes in the game.

The 9 Classes of Axies
What are the different Card types?#Copy URL to this article section
There are five (5) main types of Cards in Axie Infinity: Origin. These are the Body Part Cards, Curse Cards, Tool Cards, Summon Cards, and Revenge Cards. We will talk about them one at a time so you can familiarize yourself with them before diving into the gameplay.
1 - Body Part Cards#Copy URL to this article section
As you may recall, each body part of an Axie corresponds to a Card that can be used for battle. These are called Body Part Cards which are in a player’s deck. There are 18 of these per draw pile and they cycle once the current draw pile has been exhausted (reaches 0). Here are some examples of Cards based on the body part and Axie Class:

Examples of Body Part Cards
2 - Curse Cards#Copy URL to this article section
Curse Cards are added to your own deck or the opponent’s deck (depending on the indicated effect). These cards cause negative effects during the course of the game. The curse cards in the game are shown in the table below:

Curse Cards in Axie Infinity: Origin
3 - Tool Cards#Copy URL to this article section
Tool Cards are added by the cards you play to your hand or deck and they come with a variety of benefits.

Tool Cards and their sources
4 - Summon Cards#Copy URL to this article section
Summon Cards are technically Body Part Cards too, but they have a special function: they call upon allies that assist you in battle. These Summons have their own HP.

Summon Cards and the creatures they summon
5 - Revenge Cards#Copy URL to this article section
In Axie Infinity Origins, a dead Axie’s Cards can still be drawn in battle, but those Cards will transform into Revenge Cards. Revenge Cards are usually weaker versions of the Card it transformed from.
These Cards can be observed at the moment when those Cards are drawn from the deck. The kinds of Revenge Cards will depend on the Energy Cost and Tags of the cards they transformed from, such examples are “The Fallen’s Longsword” for 1-cost, and “The Fallen’s Axe” for 2-cost.
What are the different Status effects?#Copy URL to this article section
1 - Buffs #Copy URL to this article section
Buffs affect Axies positively. They range from helping Axies do more damage, or take less damage, Heal, Cleanse, or Gain Energy.

Buffs that can help Axies
2 - Debuffs#Copy URL to this article section
A debuff affects Axies negatively. They range from inflicting damage over the course of the game to disabling certain cards, reducing stats, adding curse cards to the opponent's deck, preventing healing or preventing action from a debuffed Axie.

Debuffs that can affect Axies negatively
3 - Neutral#Copy URL to this article section
A neutral status effect may be played to your advantage or disadvantage depending on the situation.

Neutral status effect
You will grow more familiar with the Cards, their descriptions and their effects as you keep playing the game. Based on your Axies’ Cards, you can develop a strategy to help you win in both the Adventure and Arena modes. Now, you are ready to learn about the game mechanics of Axie Infinity: Origin. Check out our guide: Axie Infinity: Origin - Gameplay Updated as of 19th September 2024